Thursday, June 30, 2011

Like a Ring Thrown in a Desert

Allah Almighty created seven heavens.
The lowest heaven compared to the second heaven, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.

The second heaven in comparison to the third, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.
The third heaven compared to the fourth, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.
The fourth heaven compared to the fifth, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.
The fifth heaven compared to the sixth, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.

The sixth heaven compared to the seventh, is like a small ring thrown into a desert.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The seven heavens are in relation to the Kursiyy* like a ring thrown into a waterless desert. And the superiority of the ‘Arsh** over the Kursiyy is like the superiority of the desert over that ring.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned regarding the great throne of Allah Almighty, “...The ‘Arsh is over the water, and Allah is over the ‘Arsh, and He knows what you do.” The ‘Arsh is the greatest of all things that Allah has created, over which our Lord rose in a manner that befits His Majesty. When our whole universe is located in the lowest heaven, can you even begin to imagine the size of the Kursiyy? And if the Kursiyy extends over the entire universe (as mentioned in Aathayul Kursiyy - Surah al-Baqarah, 02:255), then how much greater is the 'Arsh?

These amazing and mind-blowing facts were elucidated by the Noble Companion: Ibn Mas’ood, when he said:
“Between the first heaven and the one above it is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between each of the heavens is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between the seventh heaven and the Kursiyy is (a distance of) five hundred years. Between the Kursiyy and the water is (a distance of) five hundred years, and the ‘Arsh is above the water. Allah is above the ‘Arsh, and nothing whatsoever of your deeds is hidden from Him.”
*KursĂ®: literally a footstool or chair, and sometimes wrongly translated as Throne. The KursĂ® should be distinguished from the 'Arsh.
**’Arsh: literally means throne. It refers to the throne of Allah Almighty, the Majestic.