Monday, May 17, 2010

The Destroyer of Pleasures

"20 year old boy dies a sudden death after supposedly being diagnosed with pneumonia."

"Young man commits suicide by jumping off a building."

"A 19 year old student admitted in the intensive care unit. Doctors say chances of him surviving are 50/50..."

Day in and day out we see these kind headlines in the news all over the world. It doesn't matter how young they are, how athletic or how much they seem to "enjoy and chill" in life, When their appointed time is up, the Angel of Death descends to grab their souls and thus, they are returned to their Lord for their ultimate reckoning.

Few people really do what they have to do in such cases. Most people pretend to get "freaked out" and talk uselessly about the dead person and fail to grasp the real benefits from it. The wise are those who take heed from such incidents and strive to rectify their deeds before it is finally their turn to meet their Lord and become heavily interrogated for what they used to do in the life of this world. Allah is the All-Merciful. But never forget that He is also the Most Severe in Punishment and we will be held accountable for every single sin that we do.

How many of us actually think to ourselves that "I could be next"? "It might be my turn to be enclosed in that coffin today and buried in that dark whole in the ground"? "Am I prepared for it"?

May Allah Almighty make us amongst those who realize the reality of death and prepare ourselves for it instead of closing our eyes, covering our ears and trying to flee from it. May He make us amongst those who frequently remember death - the destroyer of pleasures - as the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllah 'alaihi wasallam) advised.

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